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Batwa people; Uganda is small country with different diverse cultures and tribes which around over 56 tribes with different ethnic groups like Bantu, hamites, Nile hamites. Uganda tribes boast rich cultural to its people. Batwa pygmies are people that are found in the Buhoma sector of bwindi forest, these are known to be the shortest people in the world, and they lived in the forest of Bwindi and Mgahinga before they were removed by Uganda wildlife authority and allocated outside the forest for the introduction of the park.

They are known to be the first in habitant in the forests of bwindi, mughinga until they were removed for gorilla habituations. Batwa people lived in the forest and survived for food by hunting, food gathering and depending on other forest fruits for survive. Batwa people a very welcoming if your approach to them is good, but when wrongly approached then you face their true colours

They’re a lot of rumors about batwa from other tribes in Uganda talking badly about batwa that you shouldn’t miss to discover on you visit in buhoma and even other parts of Uganda. The batwa trail in buhoma: after you three hours gorilla trekking in buhoma sector as you have returned back at the visitation Centre picking your gorilla permit, you will have chance to visit  batwa trail in buhoma which gives you a nice and interesting experience to the batwa culture   even the community around like the bakiga culture.

The local guides of Bwindi will take you to learn “batwa” which will start by the introduction of the king to the clients by the guides and then continue to learn about their culture by having an insight on their hurts, tress, and visiting their museums to see their tools they used for hunting and food gathering systems and how they operated them in order to come up with what to eat.

They will entertain you with their culture dances which is very interesting and gives experience in life time and finally you will start interesting conversation with batwa asking all the question you want to know translated by your guide and tell you challenges they are facing since they were removed out of their forests and how they still miss the forest life , how they have managed to survive out of forest without cultivation. The experience after visiting Batwa in buhoma Bwindi will always remain a lifetime moment because it’s short distance but full of hiking and coming its only sloping and when its rainy season it maybe somehow slippery crossing some small ridges.

On way to the batwa you will pass in the tea plantation, learning on picking and processing tea even up to the dam for the Bwindi hospital and learn how electricity is processed. Batwa people are always complaining about being evicted from their forests where they lived for many years without compensation and need people to help them to demand their compensation or they allow them to go back to their ancient life of the forest because they don’t manage cultivation and they see in forest there is life of free food through hunting and food gathering.

On returning back, the tour will take you to visit traditional bakiga households which act as the local museums with a lot tools, history and traditional norms and also learn little about the bakiga and finally visit mama wine; a lady who is commonly known for making wine locally using traditional methods through bananas the experience is very interesting. As let’s go gorilla it’s our concern to promote local tourism, cultural tourism and we make sure that all our planned trips favors the community and we working together with the community people and guides on promoting culture tourism in Uganda in all tourism destination in Uganda

Plan to travel with us and feel free to contact us on any tour you need to have and for you tour to bwindi and mughainga you should not miss visit to batwa and giving some helping if you have because they need to be looked at in order to forget about the forest and ancient life they lived in and also have better education and sharing equal shares with other Ugandans on the government shares. Batwa are not only in buhoma but you can even see batwa in Lake Bunyonyi, mughinga forest national park after your gorilla trekking and on your trip to semuliki birding national park in all these all areas you will be able to see batwa. In all seasons of the year, you will be able to interact with batwa because they are ever available although still leaving in the edges of the forests of Bwindi, Mgahinga, lake bunyonyi and semuliki forest.